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We value collaboration and partnerships.
We have a listed a few for you.
Rainforest Connection - A San Francisco based non-profit, whose mission is to protect endangered forests from destruction and illegal logging. Tree Monkey provides tree climbing training for Guardian device installations in trees.
Antonio Núñez Jiménez Foundation A civil, non-governmental, non-profit organization in Cuba. Their mission is to continue the legacy of Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez and work towards a Culture of Nature harmonizing society and the environment.
Fundacion OSA - Started by Jonathon Miller-Weisberger, Fundacion is part of The Living Bridges Foundation, formerly Grupo Osanimi. Jonathon was instrumental in connecting Tree Monkey Project with the Indigenous groups In Ecuador.
Tree Wolf Tours - A California based Ecotour company specializing in tree climbing tours to Costa Rica. Founder Eric Fromer is an assistant trainer and travel consultant to Tree Monkey Project.
AltruVistas - AltruVistas promotes transformational philanthropy in the sustainable travel industry. AltruVistas brings the Tree Monkey Project experience to world travelers via Ecotours.
One Health Productions - designs and develops film and marketing content for projects that are dedicated to improving the health of the planet.
Four Paws International,JeJak Pulang and the Indonesian Government - JeJak Pulang, and the Indonesian Government. Together created the Orangutan Forest School with the mission of providing sanctuary to threatened orangutans, as well as to rehabilitate orphaned orangutans, with the ultimate vision of releasing them back into the freedom of the wild. Tree Monkey Project provides tree climbing training to animal caretakers.
Tree Monkey Project is a fiscally sponsored project of MarinLink, a California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service 20-0879422.

Tree Monkey Project

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