How does tree climbing support a sustainable planet?
Tree Monkey Project was created to provide tree climbing skills to local peoples in disadvantaged countries around the world and to non-profits that can benefit through its use. The primary purpose of these projects is to teach safe tree climbing to natives living in the rainforest and in doing so provide a new income source and financial independence, while still helping to protect the jungle.
The money being raised in these projects will enable us to send instructors and assistants into the jungle to provide training and tree climbing gear to the tribes to ensure sustainability. Projects wil teach safe techniques to access some of the world’s most biologically diverse rainforest canopies.
When most of us think of tree climbing, we think of what it was like climbing trees when we were kids, pulling ourselves up hand over hand, hanging from branches like little monkeys. It was a lot of fun, but often times ended with injuries and accidents. Recreational and professional tree climbing has allowed us to develop a protocol that ensures safety while protecting the trees and the environment.
While most adults have given up on tree climbing, a few of us found that there is a world of unknown wonder that can be accessed with the right equipment and techniques. Tree climbing not only improves our childhood experience, but also provides a spiritually and ecologically rewarding career as adults. In addition, these skills can be brought to small communities to help them develop effective and safe harvest techniques, as well as provide a source of sustainable income that can provide a positive impact on their communities.
Many people might assume that indigenous people living in the rainforest already know how to climb trees: the same way we did as children. But climbing by hand without equipment is dangerous and destructive, as they have to climb higher, where there is the risk of biting ants, wasps, and bees, in order to access the fruits or leaves they need. Without being able to be suspended and avoid these dangers, the only method of getting to the ends of branches is by cutting them down. The Tree Monkey Project aims to help both the people and the trees.